
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Comic Cats #23: One Cat

Oh Oda, I'm convinced science took out a restraining order on you long, long ago. It's the only way to explain how in One Piece a ship traveled on a river that runs UP a mountain and how there's an island in the sky that can only be accessed by a tide that supposedly explodes and shoots ships into the air, not to mention the violation of basic science principles by every main (and most minor) characters on that show JUST BY EXISTING. I mean, I have a decent amount of suspension of disbelief- I make comics, for goodness' sake- but really? Really? You hurt me sometimes, Oda... but I always come back for more, because let's face it, One Piece is entertaining and FUN. I will suffer/love all 500+ episodes. Like most anime, this was a manga (comic) first.

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